Saturday, 5 May 2012

Patchwork Concertina Art Book

Prepare your book cover.  I've pieced fabric samples over 1" squares, but this book can be any size and have any cover you wish.  I like tiny items - apparently 'small items' are now to be called Zukka patchwork (Japanese for 'small items', I'm reliably informed by Mr Google).
Cut a piece of heavy card, slightly smaller (about an 1/8") in both directions.
Cut a piece of lining fabric (I used calico, as it will not be seen), and cover the card, either by stitching or glueing:-
Neaten the corners as best you can, but they will be hidden.
Cut a piece of wadding (any sort you want to use up) the slightly smaller than your piece of card (again, about 1/8th").  Glue it on with tiny dabs of PVA or School Glue:-
Lay a length of ribbon, long enough to tie into a bow on each side, across the centre from left to right.  This will be the closure.  You might wish to knot a loop of elastic and sew to one side, but remember you will have to sew the matching button to the main fabric of the other cover before layering.  Place your fabric/pieced fabric on top, right sides up and whip stitch/glove maker stitch/buttonhole stitch to the lining fabric, catching the ribbon/elastic but not the card:-

Make a second cover for the back, in the same manner and exactly the same size.
Next cut a length of Cartridge paper, about 1/8th" smaller than the height of your book cover.  Lay one end on top of your book cover and fold so that the folded piece fits comfortably on the lining side of the cover.  Concertina fold the paper until it is all used.  Cut to the last whole page.

Paste the lining with PVA/ School Glue in a thin but even layer.  Glue the paper on with the first fold to the right and the covers as if it were an open book. Do the same on the back cover. Press the glued papers down and leave to dry before closing the book.  Be careful not to glue in the ribbon!
The book may be opened from either side.  It doesn't really matter if you've mixed up the covers and your book opens from top to bottom (unless of course, the covers have a picture!)
This is the back
This is the front


Bit too generous with the ribbon

It doesn't matter which side you use, as opening from the pink cover uses one side of the paper and opening from the blue cover uses the other side of the paper.

Now, have some chocolate, and that's an order!

Handbag Tissue pack cover

Working out how big your pieces of fabric should be cut
Seam allowance is 1/4" throughout

If you are using Kleenex tissue packs you need to cut the main fabric at 6" x 5 3/4".  If you are not binding and are hemming your edges or if you have bought another make of tissues, see blue box below.
Cut binding at 1" x 5 3/4" (or head-foot measurement)

First , measure you pack of tissues all around the 'tummy' and all around from head-foot-head.  The head-foot-head measurement is then halved (giving a head-foot measurement) and 1/2" is added for seam allowances.
If you are binding your open edges, your main piece of fabric should be cut to the actual measurements for all around the pack.  I cut my fabric at the actual measurement as I am binding my open edges.   .  So, I cut the main fabric to the same 'tummy' measurement.  If you are hemming, remember to add the seam allowances, as seen below.  I added the 1/2" seam allowance to the head-foot measurement
 I cut my main fabric at 6" and the head-foot-head at 5 3/4"  If you are hemming the opening edges you need to add 1/2", if turning over once and 3/4" , if turning the hem over twice (this is much tidier)

Add binding strips to both sides of the main fabric, making sure that the binding strip and edge lengths match.  Press towards the binding strip, then flip fabric over and press raw edge of the binding strips to meet raw edges of seams:-
This is the WRONG side of the fabrics
LEFT edge shows the main fabric pressed towards the binding
RIGHT edge shows the raw edge of binding pressed towards raw edge of seam
The binding is then top stitched to hold it in place.  Too late for glue...?
This is when you realise that your ruler is broken and you have cut your main fabric far too wide (it's supposed to look almost like a square.  How does this happen?  Well, if you have to chop a bit out want to add to your design, why not add in the binding fabric in the centre?
Clearly, not a mistake but a design decision!
Turn the fabric piece over so that the right side is uppermost.  Fold the edges towards the centre. You could fold the entire piece in half and finger crease the centre and fold both edges towards the centre to make the opening exactly central.
Now, sew down both top and bottom.  Just to confuse you, this is now sideways on - so sorry, the Houseboy will now be beaten.

Next, poke your finger into one of the points and flatten it so that you have a triangular point on the right and the binding vertically on the immediate left.  Sounds confusing but if you do just that (hopefully!) all will become clear!  That Houseboy has lost this picture - you just can't get the staff.  The object is to make a boxed bottom at the head and foot of your case (exactly as you would make a bag bottom)  When sewn, it should look like this:-
You can see how the triangular points were formed from the creases in the fabric
Chop off the ends of the triangular points parallel with the seam just sewn and cut off any long threads.  Save these for another project - you will never throw anything away again - you partners will love me for that!

Turn right sides out and stuff in your tissue pack.  I think it's quite important to make the case fit snugly - it just looks nicer.

Now, have a cuppa!